Exploring Technology
Exploring Technology students develop an understanding of the progression and scope of technology through exploratory experiences. In group and individual activities, students experience ways in which technological knowledge and processes contribute to effective designs, abilities, and skills to create solutions to technological problems. Students participate in design activities to understand how criteria, constraints, and processes affect designs. Brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, constructing, testing, and refining designs provide firsthand opportunities for students to understand the uses and impacts of innovations. Students develop skills in communicating design information and reporting results. This course is a cornerstone for a middle school technology education program.
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to help KMS provide the best exposure to technology for your students!
The shop is a facility offered by Kennedy Middle School’s technology and engineering program. It is considered a privilege to use the technology shop and it will be used in accordance with all safety rules and restrictions as determined the Brevard County School System and Kennedy Middle School. Any willful misuse of the shop or deviation from the safety rules will result in suspension of the student’s shop privileges.